Sexual Harm Prevention for Churches and Volunteer Organizations
Andrew has worked extensively in the field of sexual harm prevention in both client and organizational capacities. He has provided assessment and treatment to sex offenders, children/youth who have engaged in inappropriate sexual behaviours, and victims of sexual trauma. He is also a manager in a large mental health organization in which he contributes regularly to policy and protocol development to enhance safety for clients, volunteers, and staff. Andrew is also a trained D2L facilitator, a program used by school boards and non-profits across North America to maximize sexual safety for children, youth, and other vulnerable people.
For Sexual Harm Prevention training and consults, Andrew utilizes a team of therapists from diverse backgrounds, as well as leading experts in the field of sexual trauma to ensure organizations are receiving the best practices in the field. We can support organizations along a continuum of needs, including early stages of policy development, staff/volunteer training, or professional support to enhance an already successful program.
Policy and Culture
It takes formal policies and informal organization norms to maximize safety and responsiveness. Andrew’s team can guide policy development, even providing templates to support fast development.
Develop training tailored to your organization’s policies and values. This training can be recorded and used to orient future staff and volunteers as part of their onboarding process.
Access expert consults when needed. Connect with someone who is familiar with your oganization’s structure and values. Consults can take the form of quick tips or full assessments for high-risk cases.
In-Person at your institution
Remote access to training and consults