Our Services

Psychotherapy that works


Psychotherapists are trained to work from a cognitive behavioural or solution focused approach. Both are well researched to be effective styles of therapy for mental health and addiction issues. In addition, in session tools are used to allow people to track their progress towards goals, and gives them a good idea of when they have reached a stable and sustainable place.

Virtual or Office


Our office space is located at Yonge and Eglinton. Research shows virtual counselling to be an effective alternative to in person session.



Children and adolescents diagnosed with ADHD have great potential but struggle in under stimulating school environments. They can also find home life difficult as they break boundaries often and seem to require an enormous amount of parental attention before being able to comply with simple tasks. We have condensed the best that ADHD experts have to offer in a straightforward parenting education plan. We teach the principles, then work with you to apply what will be most effective in your family.



For Christian clients, our therapists have training in spiritual and biblical care models (Christian Counselling Education Foundation). We work collaboratively to find the right balance of secular theory and spiritual traditions.



Students and professionals with diverse learning profiles benefit most from a therapy style that supports their brain to compensate for executive functioning deficits and make more use the solid skills that are already there.

Anxiety & Depression

The two most common mental health issues affecting Canadians. Many people see significant improvements after doing a course of cognitive behavioural therapy that lasts between 8-12 sessions.

In person sessions are $175/hr and virtual are $155/hr. Our services are covered by most insurance plans. Schedule a free consult call here.